1. NAME. The name of this organization shall be the "Connecticut State Chess Association" (CSCA).

The CSCA shall be a non-profit organization affiliated with the United States Chess Federation ("USCF") as the official state chapter for the USCF in the State of Connecticut. As such, (1) the CSCA will pay its USCF affiliate membership dues when due and payable, (2) certify in writing to the USCF Secretary by November 1 the USCF Voting Members and Alternates from Connecticut and their method of selection, (3) sponsor and hold (or arrange for) an annual USCF State Championship, (4) have a formal organizational structure and bylaws with opportunity for USCF members to participate in the CSCA, (5) and any other duties and responsibilities of USCF State Affiliates mandated by the USCF.

Also, the CSCA shall encourage and promote chess in Connecticut, organize State-titled events, promote Scholastic and women's chess activities, co-ordinate chess tournaments, maintain a tournament calendar, maintain a directory of Connecticut chess clubs, and maintain a website (or disseminate a periodical).

  1. DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors shall be composed of ten Directors who shall vote on CSCA matters. Each year, at the annual meeting, the adult CSCA members present shall elect Directors. In order to be nominated, the nominee must indicate his willingness to serve in writing or in person. All Directors shall serve five years or until their successors are duly elected. Vacancies shall be filled for their remaining terms at the next election.
  2. OFFICERS. The offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tournament Coordinator, shall be elected by the Directors at a Board of Directors Annual Meeting for a term of one year, or until their successors are elected. A nominee must signify his willingness to serve, either in writing or in person, before he is voted on for office.

PRESIDENT. The President shall preside at meetings of the CSCA, enforce the Bylaws, call Board of Directors meetings when necessary, and sign papers and documents for the CSCA officers or appointees. The Vice President shall succeed the President if a vacancy occurs. VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President shall assume all meeting duties of the President when the President is absent, or when the President has to step down from the chair to debate an issue. The Vice President takes over the office of President if that office is vacated.

TOURNAMENT COORDINATOR. The Tournament Coordinator shall organize, or supervise organizers for all CSCA tournaments. Such organization includes selecting assistants, playing  conditions and rules.

TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping all the financial records of the CSCA; deposit and disbursement of all funds, reporting on the financial status of the organization, any investments, etc. At any time both the Treasurer and the President shall have access to all financial records of the CSCA. Organizers winning a bid for state events are required to submit player dues to in a timely fashion to the Treasurer upon conclusion of the event.

SECRETARY. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping all the non-financial records of the CSCA; preparing the agenda, handling correspondence, sending notices of meetings, taking and recording the minutes, and performing other assigned administrative duties.

DATABASE SECRETARY. The Database Secretary shall maintain records of current and past members, including but not limited to Name, USCF ID, and Email address. The Database Secretary shall maintain records on all players that play in state titled events. Organizers winning a bid for state events are required to submit player registration information to the Database Secretary in a timely fashion upon conclusion of the event. Player records will be used by the Database Secretary to help promote future CSCA events.

  1. MEMBERSHIP. Any person may become a member of the CSCA by a) participating in a CSCA event during a calendar year, allowing the player CSCA membership for the remainder of the calendar year; or by b) paying $5 for one calendar year's dues or by c) paying $100 for a Lifetime Membership
  2. FISCAL YEAR AND MEMBERSHIP YEAR. The fiscal year and the membership year both shall be the calendar year, running from January 1 to December 31.
  3. MEETINGS. The election of Directors shall constitute the Annual Directors Meeting. A special meeting of the members shall be called by the President upon written request of one-tenth of the membership over age 17, or if considered advisable by the President. The President shall set the time and place of all special membership meetings, and Board of Directors Meetings, if not previously determined. Directors meetings shall be open to all CSCA members. The Directors, at any Board of Directors meeting, may vote to go into a closed session.
  4. QUORUM. A quorum for a Directors Meeting shall be five Directors. A quorum for any special membership meeting shall be ten percent of the CSCA members over age 17. There is no quorum requirement for the election of Directors.
  5. RULES OF ORDER. Meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, on points not covered by these By-laws. No proxies or proxy votes are permitted.

11. AMENDMENTS. These Bylaws my be repealed or amended at any meeting of this association by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors, voting in person or by absentee ballot, and ratified by a two thirds vote of the CSCA members over age 17 present at the following annual Board of Directors meeting.

Adopted May 20, 2000 Amended October, 2003 Amended September, 2007 Amended July, 2015