Notice of CSCA Tournament Bidding Process and Procedures for 2018-19 Cycle Year -- Bid Meeting 12/8
Hello, Connecticut chess event organizers:

2018-19 CYCLE YEAR
(1) Events open to bid:
National Nominations Grand Prix Leg 1 – minimum CSCA fee $2/entry
National Nominations Grand Prix Leg 2 – minimum CSCA fee $2/entry
National Nominations Grand Prix Leg 3 – minimum CSCA fee $2/entry
Grade Championships – minimum CSCA fee $3/entry
Team Championships – minimum CSCA fee $2/entry
Quick Championships -- minimum CSCA fee $2/entry
Blitz Championships -- minimum CSCA fee $2/entry
Blitz Championships -- minimum CSCA fee $2/entry
Quick Championships -- minimum CSCA fee $2/entry
Rapid Championships -- minimum CSCA fee $2/entry
Senior Championships -- minimum CSCA fee $3/entry
(2) Events open to bid, if CSCA Board selects not to have CSCA organize:
Annual Scholastic K-12 Championships -- minimum CSCA fee $3/entry
Annual Adult Championships -- minimum CSCA fee $5/entry
Girls’ Championships – minimum CSCA fee $1/entry
National Nominations Candidates’ Tournament – no CSCA fee, no entry fee
(3) Procedures and rules:
- Submit original and 10 copies of typed bidding slip (format below) at the CSCA meeting on December 8.
- Bids may be submitted in advance, no later than December 5, to CSCA Board member and former/acting Tournaments’ Coordinator (TC) or TC nominee, Alexander Lumelsky, via email: in .PDF format. TC will distribute to the Board in advance of December 8 meeting.
- TC may submit and speak for any organizer unable to appear in person at the meeting. Organizer must request TC in writing to speak on the organizer’s behalf at the meeting at least 48 hours ahead of meeting.
- Events may be combined where reasonable, as long as rules of the events are not violated.
- Organizers may consult with TC to ensure bids are in compliance with the rules, and it is the TC’s role to assist organizers in submitting their bids in accordance with the rules.
- Board members may participate in bidding. However, if a bid is related to a Board member in any way, i.e., organizer is Board member, his/her club, club mate, employee, etc., the Board member must disclose the relationship to the bid and may not participate in its consideration, other than to present the bid and answer Board questions as to its qualities. Board members may not vote on bids related to or proposed by them, their agents, clubs, etc.
- No Board member or officer may compete with or interfere in the bidding organizer’s performance of the bid award. Any awarded event is the tournament of the CSCA and the recipient organizer and is governed by the contract created by the bidding process between the CSCA and the organizer. The Board may hold its members and officers liable to organizers, the CSCA and its membership for any such actions, as well as take other measures to ensure compliance.
- All parties receiving bid awards will: (1) make a deposit payment of $50 to the CSCA Treasurer toward the CSCA fees to be collected at the awarded event(s) within 15 days of the bid award, and (2) make payment of the balance of the CSCA fees to the CSCA Treasurer within 15 days of the conclusion of the awarded event(s). Combined events require only one deposit.
- All parties receiving bid awards agree that CSCA fees, if charged per entry, will be charged and assessed for every entry received for that tournament, including any sections or simultaneously organized tournaments not subject to the bid.
- All parties selected to organize must submit a post-event report within 7 days of the conclusion of the event to the TC, including results, total attendees, geography of attendees, and any other items of interest or suggestions for future organization, including any other items requested by the TC.
- All parties submitting bids agree not to organize competing events with CSCA tournaments during the cycle year. They further agree to support and promote CSCA events to their players, clients, mailing lists, etc. The TC may address or refer to the Board any issues arising out of this paragraph.
- All parties submitting bids agree to cooperate with TC and to adhere to TC requests post-award of bid.
- All parties submitting bids agree to report any deviations from their bid to the TC within a reasonable time, but no later than 24 hours, after the circumstances requiring or arising in the change. The TC may make necessary adjustments to bring the bid within acceptable terms or refer to the Board for further review.
(4) CSCA presently established minimum tournament requirements:
- One floor director/monitor for every 40 players;
- Players receiving mandatory byes due to odd number of players receive pairing for extra game wherever available or with use of straw player;
- Two day events cannot split established sections, i.e., in K-6, elementary and primary cannot play on separate days;
- Rating posting with USCF and result posting with CSCA website must be completed within 48 hours of the conclusion of the event.
(5) CSCA suggested event qualities:
- Unrated section(s) for players who do not have USCF membership;
- Team entry discount;
- Reduced entry rate for players from known areas of financial need;
- USCF e-blast use to publicize the event;
- Organizer distribute TD, organizer, hosting, floor monitor, admin, etc. duties to multiple people;
- Any event agreements, including venue rentals, should be reduced to writing;
- Organizer carry insurance for the event.
Draft 11/20 – AL
Updated draft 11/30 – AL
Submitted by:
Proposed Date: Snow date, if any:
Venue: Town:
Venue description:
Time Controls:
Entry price:
Fee offered to CSCA: (must at least meet minimum)
Are minimum requirements met? YES / NO, if no, please explain:
Are any suggested qualities met? YES / NO, if yes, please specify:
Attachments (i.e., descriptions, photos of venue, etc.)? YES / NO, if yes, please specify:
Submitting party and organizer agree to abide by all CSCA rules applicable to this bid.
Signature of Submitting Party: