My 25…Ra6 got me in a lot of trouble. The rook should have been placed in front of the opponent’s passed pawns. Instead I tried to defend from the side, hoping my rook could combine defense against the g-pawn with offensive support for the a and b-pawns. I had a another chance to get the rook in front of the g-pawn on move twenty-seven; eventually, when I played 28…Bd6 to protect the e-pawn, it blocked the rook on a-file from stopping the passed pawns.
James Skinner-Alan Lasser
Lilly Library Chess Club
8...Bxf3 +0.63/21 9.Qxf3 c6 10.Qd3 Nf6 11.Be3 Be7 12.O-O-O O-O 13.Kb1 Rfc8 14.f3 a6 15.g4 cxd5 16.Nxd5Nxd5 17.Qxd5 b5 18.f4 b4 19.fxe5 Qa4 20.Rhf1 Qxc2+ 21.Ka1
9.Nxe5 +1.13/25 9...Bxe2 10.Nxd7 Kxd7 11.Nxe2 Re8 12.Nc3 Be7 13.Bd2 Bf6 14.O-O-O Ne7 15.f3 Kc8 16.g4Ng6 17.Ne2 h6 18.Rhf1 Ne5 19.Bc3 Nd7 20.Bxf6 Nxf6
17...a4 +0.71/20 18.Bd2 18. g5 Nh5 19. f5 O-O 20. Bd2 Rab8 21. fxg6 fxg6 22. Rdf1 +0.48 Stockfish 18...a318... Rb8 19. g5 Nh5 20. h4 c5 21. Rhf1 O-O 22. c4 f5 23. Qh3 Rbd8 24. Ng3 fxe4 25. Qxd7 Rxd7 26. Nxh5 gxh5 27. Rde1 exf4 28. Rxf4 e3 29. Bxe3 Bd8 +0.34 Stockfish 19.b3 Rb8 20.Rdf1 Qb5
17...Rb8 18.g5 Nh5 19.h4 a4 20.Rhf1 Qb5 21.Rc1 f6 +0.36 Stockfish
18...a4 +1.10/21 19.g5 Nh5 20.Nxh5 Rxh5 21.h4 Rb8 22.Rdf1 Qb5 23.Qd1 b3 24.cxb3 axb3
18...O-O 19.g5 Nh5 20.h4 a4 21.Bd2 c5 22.dxc6 Nxf4 23.Bxf4 Qxc6 24.h5 b3 25.cxb3 axb3 26.a3 Ra4 27.hxg6Qxe4 28.Bxd6 Qxd3+ 29.Rxd3 Bxd6 30.gxf7+ Kxf7 31.Rxd6 Rg4 +1.02 Stockfish
19.h4 +1.62/21 19...Nf6 20.g5 Ng4 20...Nh5 21. Bc1 Nxf4 22. Bxf4 Kf8 23. Qf3 Kg8 24. h5 gxh5 25. Rxh5 Rxh5 26. Qxh5 g6 +1.29 Stockfish 21.Bd4
19…dxe523.Qg6 +0.84/21 23...Be7 24.g5 Nf8 24...Qd6 25. Qf5 a4 26. h4 b3 27. cxb3 axb3 28. a3 Ra6 29. h5 Qd7 30. Qxd7+ Kxd7 +1.38 Stockfish 25.Qe4 Qd6 25...Rb8 26. h4 b3 27. h5 bxc2+ 28. Qxc2 a4 29. d6 cxd6 30. g6 a3 31. b3 Rc8 +1.80 Stockfish 26.h4 Rg8 27.h5 a4 28.g6 a3 29.Bc5
25...Rag8 -1.20/23 26.Bd2 26. Rdg1 Kd6 27. Bd2 Kxd5 28. c4+ Kxc4 29. Rc1+ Kd5 30. Rxc7 Bd8 31. Rc8 Bb6 32. Rxg8 Rxg8 -1.75 Stockfish 26...Nf8 27.Rde1 Rh5 28.Rxe5 Rgh8 29.d6 29. Re4 Bxg5 30. Be1 Ng6 31. a3 bxa3 32. Bxa5 axb2 -1.92 Stockfish 29...Bxd6
27...Rag6 -0.14/21 28.Rf7 28. c4 bxc3 29. Rf7 R6g7 30. Rxg7 Rxg7 31. bxc3 c6 32. dxc6+ Kxc6 -0.08 Stockfish 28...R6g7 29.Rxg7 Rxg7 30.c4 bxc3 31.bxc3 Rg8 32.c4 Nf8 33.Bd2 a4 34.Kc2 Kd8 35.Rg1
28...e4 +1.07/21 29.Re5 Kd7 29...Rag6 30. Rxe4 Kd7 31. c4 bxc3 32. bxc3 Nxg5 33. hxg5 Bxg5 34. Bd4 Bd8 35. Rh7+ Kc8 +0.67 Stockfish 30.Rxe4 Raa8 31.c4 bxc3 32.bxc3 Raf8 33.Bd4 Ba3 34.Kc2 Rf5 35.c4 Bb436.Rh3 c6 37.dxc6+ Kxc6 38.Rb3 Rg6
28...Kd7 29.c4 bxc3 30.bxc3 Rag6 31.Rxe5 Nxg5 32.hxg5 Bxg5 33.Rh7+ Kd6 34.Bd4 +0.66 Stockfish
29...a4 +1.51/23 30.g6 Nf8 31.Rg5 Be7 32.Rxe5 Nd7 33.Rf5 Rf6 34.Rhf1 Rxf5 35.Rxf5 Nf6 36.c3 bxc337.bxc3 Kd7 38.c4 Ne4 39.h6 Rxg6 40.h7 Nc3+ 41.Kc2 Rg2+ 42.Kxc3 Rh2 43.Rf7 Ke8 44.Rf4 Rxh7 45.Re4Kd7
29...Nf8 30.Rf6 Ra8 31.g6 Ke7 32.Rf7+ Ke8 33.Rf5 a4 34.Rg5 Kd7 35.b3 axb3 36.cxb3 Nxg6 37.hxg6 Raf838.Rh7+ Ke8 +1.62 Stockfish
30...Rg8 +2.24/23 31.g6 Nf8 32.Rg1 32. Rf6 Ra8 33. c4 bxc3 34. bxc3 Rb8+ 35. Kc2 e4 36. R1f5 +3.05 Stockfish 32...Kd7 33.Rf7+ Kd8 34.Rf6 Ke7 35.Bg5 Ke8 36.Rg3 Rb6 37.h6 Be7 38.Rxb6 cxb6
31.g6 Be7 I resigned a few moves after my scoresheet ends. 1-0
[Event "game/15"]
[Site "Lilly Library Chess Club"]
[Date "2017.12.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "James Skinner"]
[Black "Alan Lasser"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B00"]
1.e4 Nc6 2.Nc3 d6 3.d4 e5 4.Nf3 Bg4 5.d5 Nd4 6.Be2 Nxe2 7.Qxe2 Qd7 8.h3 Bh5 $6 { +1.13/25 } ( 8...Bxf3 { +0.63/21 } 9.Qxf3 c6 10.Qd3 Nf6 11.Be3 Be7 12.O-O-O O-O 13.Kb1 Rfc8 14.f3 a6 15.g4 cxd5 16.Nxd5 Nxd5 17.Qxd5 b5 18.f4 b4 19.fxe5 Qa4 20.Rhf1 Qxc2+ 21.Ka1 ) 9.g4 $6 { +0.61/26 } ( 9.Nxe5 { +1.13/25 } 9...Bxe2 10.Nxd7 Kxd7 11.Nxe2 Re8 12.Nc3 Be7 13.Bd2 Bf6 14.O-O-O Ne7 15.f3 Kc8 16.g4 Ng6 17.Ne2 h6 18.Rhf1 Ne5 19.Bc3 Nd7 20.Bxf6 Nxf6 ) 9...Bg6 10.Nh4 Be7 11.Nxg6 hxg6 12.Be3 Nf6 13.O-O-O a6 14.Kb1 b5 15.Qd3 b4 16.Ne2 a5 17.f4 exf4 $6 { +1.06/22 } ( 17...a4 { +0.71/20 } 18.Bd2 { 18. g5 Nh5 19. f5 O-O 20. Bd2 Rab8 21. fxg6 fxg6 22. Rdf1 +0.48 Stockfish } 18...a3 { 18... Rb8 19. g5 Nh5 20. h4 c5 21. Rhf1 O-O 22. c4 f5 23. Qh3 Rbd8 24. Ng3 fxe4 25. Qxd7 Rxd7 26. Nxh5 gxh5 27. Rde1 exf4 28. Rxf4 e3 29. Bxe3 Bd8 +0.34 Stockfish } 19.b3 Rb8 20.Rdf1 Qb5 ) ( 17...Rb8 18.g5 Nh5 19.h4 a4 20.Rhf1 Qb5 21.Rc1 f6 { +0.36 Stockfish } ) 18.Nxf4 Nh7 $6 { +1.62/21 } ( 18...a4 { +1.10/21 } 19.g5 Nh5 20.Nxh5 Rxh5 21.h4 Rb8 22.Rdf1 Qb5 23.Qd1 b3 24.cxb3 axb3 ) ( 18...O-O 19.g5 Nh5 20.h4 a4 21.Bd2 c5 22.dxc6 Nxf4 23.Bxf4 Qxc6 24.h5 b3 25.cxb3 axb3 26.a3 Ra4 27.hxg6 Qxe4 28.Bxd6 Qxd3+ 29.Rxd3 Bxd6 30.gxf7+ Kxf7 31.Rxd6 Rg4 { +1.02 Stockfish } ) 19.e5 $6 { +0.83/22 } ( 19.h4 { +1.62/21 } 19...Nf6 20.g5 Ng4 { 20...Nh5 21. Bc1 Nxf4 22. Bxf4 Kf8 23. Qf3 Kg8 24. h5 gxh5 25. Rxh5 Rxh5 26. Qxh5 g6 +1.29 Stockfish } 21.Bd4 ) 19...dxe5 20.Nxg6 fxg6 21.Qxg6+ Kd8 22.Qxg7 Bf6 23.Qxd7+ $2 { -1.21/14 } ( 23.Qg6 { +0.84/21 } 23...Be7 24.g5 Nf8 { 24...Qd6 25. Qf5 a4 26. h4 b3 27. cxb3 axb3 28. a3 Ra6 29. h5 Qd7 30. Qxd7+ Kxd7 +1.38 Stockfish } 25.Qe4 Qd6 { 25...Rb8 26. h4 b3 27. h5 bxc2+ 28. Qxc2 a4 29. d6 cxd6 30. g6 a3 31. b3 Rc8 +1.80 Stockfish } 26.h4 Rg8 27.h5 a4 28.g6 a3 29.Bc5 ) 23...Kxd7 24.h4 Be7 25.g5 Ra6 $2 { -0.07/21 } ( 25...Rag8 { -1.20/23 } 26.Bd2 { 26. Rdg1 Kd6 27. Bd2 Kxd5 28. c4+ Kxc4 29. Rc1+ Kd5 30. Rxc7 Bd8 31. Rc8 Bb6 32. Rxg8 Rxg8 -1.75 Stockfish } 26...Nf8 27.Rde1 Rh5 28.Rxe5 Rgh8 29.d6 { 29. Re4 Bxg5 30. Be1 Ng6 31. a3 bxa3 32. Bxa5 axb2 -1.92 Stockfish } 29...Bxd6 ) 26.Rdg1 Rg8 27.Rf1 Ke8 $2 { +1.14/24 } ( 27...Rag6 { -0.14/21 } 28.Rf7 { 28. c4 bxc3 29. Rf7 R6g7 30. Rxg7 Rxg7 31. bxc3 c6 32. dxc6+ Kxc6 -0.08 Stockfish } 28...R6g7 29.Rxg7 Rxg7 30.c4 bxc3 31.bxc3 Rg8 32.c4 Nf8 33.Bd2 a4 34.Kc2 Kd8 35.Rg1 ) 28.Rf5 Bd6 $6 { +1.49/25 } ( 28...e4 { +1.07/21 } 29.Re5 Kd7 { 29...Rag6 30. Rxe4 Kd7 31. c4 bxc3 32. bxc3 Nxg5 33. hxg5 Bxg5 34. Bd4 Bd8 35. Rh7+ Kc8 +0.67 Stockfish } 30.Rxe4 Raa8 31.c4 bxc3 32.bxc3 Raf8 33.Bd4 Ba3 34.Kc2 Rf5 35.c4 Bb4 36.Rh3 c6 37.dxc6+ Kxc6 38.Rb3 Rg6 ) ( 28...Kd7 29.c4 bxc3 30.bxc3 Rag6 31.Rxe5 Nxg5 32.hxg5 Bxg5 33.Rh7+ Kd6 34.Bd4 { +0.66 Stockfish } ) 29.h5 Rf8 $6 { +2.21/26 } ( 29...a4 {1.51/23 } 30.g6 Nf8 31.Rg5 Be7 32.Rxe5 Nd7 33.Rf5 Rf6 34.Rhf1 Rxf5 35.Rxf5 Nf6 36.c3 bxc3 37.bxc3 Kd7 38.c4 Ne4 39.h6 Rxg6 40.h7 Nc3+ 41.Kc2 Rg2+ 42.Kxc3 Rh2 43.Rf7 Ke8 44.Rf4 Rxh7 45.Re4 Kd7 ) ( 29...Nf8 30.Rf6 Ra8 31.g6 Ke7 32.Rf7+ Ke8 33.Rf5 a4 34.Rg5 Kd7 35.b3 axb3 36.cxb3 Nxg6 37.hxg6 Raf8 38.Rh7+ Ke8 { +1.62 Stockfish } ) 30.Rhf1 e4 $2 { +9.57/25 } ( 30...Rg8 { +2.24/23 } 31.g6 Nf8 32.Rg1 { 32. Rf6 Ra8 33. c4 bxc3 34. bxc3 Rb8+ 35. Kc2 e4 36. R1f5 +3.05 Stockfish } 32...Kd7 33.Rf7+ Kd8 34.Rf6 Ke7 35.Bg5 Ke8 36.Rg3 Rb6 37.h6 Be7 38.Rxb6 cxb6 ) 31.g6 Be7 { I resigned a few moves after my scoresheet ends. }

Eastern Connecticut Chess Assoc 4,677
Coventry Connecticut Chess Club 5,695
Connecticut Chess Magazine 4,135
Connecticut Chess Magazine and Coventry Chess Club are each philanthropic enterprises by Rob Roy.
They are not governmental initiatives nor are they business endeavors.
They are private initiatives by Rob Roy, for the public good, focusing on quality of life, and on chess in Connecticut.
They should never be misconstrued to represent the State of Connecticut, the Town of Coventry Connecticut, nor with any other chess associations.
The monthly tournaments in Coventry are conducted by Rob Roy acting as an independent organizer, and not by any chess club, state chapter, nor federation.
I have never written for, nor spoken for, anyone besides myself, Rob Roy, acting as an independent chess journalist.
Upcoming USCF Tournaments in and near Connecticut
Great game from 25 years ago
John A Curdo vs Michael Casella
Greater Boston open (1993), Framingham MA, Oct-03
Sicilian Defense: Nezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack (B30) · 1-0
Before we bid a fond farewell with the NBCC highlights from the first half of 2018,
I am proud to recognize Rob Roy once again for his continual efforts to promote our
club and chess throughout our state. As many of you know, Rob has worked on
numerous chess projects for our state for over four decades, during which time he
has been the editor of Connecticut Chess magazine. Since May 2016, Rob has been
hosting monthly events at his house in Coventry. On June 23, ten players competed
in Rob’s annual summer chess tournament there. After round 1, Rob transitioned his
role from tournament director to chef, serving hamburgers, corn-on-the-cob,
watermelon, and beverages. There was a good representation from the NBCC at
Rob’s event. Two of our veteran members, FM Richard Bauer and USCF NM Derek
Meredith, tied for first place, with their final match being a hard-fought draw. Kudos
to Rob for hosting another fantastic event! Starting in July, Rob’s monthly
tournaments will be hosted at Mill Brook Place in Coventry. This site is a brand-new
meeting hall that can accommodate as many as seventy people. In order to make this transition possible, Rob will work with officials from the local library, schools, and
the parks and recreation department. We thank Rob for his lifetime of service and
devotion to Connecticut chess !
2019 Coventry Open
Saturday January 12
- Format:
- 3 Round Swiss, G/60;d5
- Affects both quick and regular rating.
- Round Times: 10:30, 1:30, 3:45.
- Entry Fees:
- $30 Cash Only.
- Register On-site Only: 9:45 am - 10:10 am
- One Section. Accelerated Pairings.
- Wheelchair Accessible. USCF TLA
Site: Mill Brook Place, 1267 Main St., Coventry, CT 06238
Across street from Bidwell Tavern is our stone building at rear of parking lot
Web Site: