Saturday, July 23, 2022

GAME OF THE WEEK by Alan Lasser

  The fiftieth anniversary of the last time an American won the World Chess Championship is a good reason to put some Fischer stuff in this letter.  The creation of Fischer-Random may carry the board and pieces well into the future, and his defense against the King's Gambit is still used by grandmasters. This game was recently played in some politically incorrect country, which gives me the chance to nominate Vladimir Putin for the Nobel Prize in Economics.  That’s right, Economics, because Putin has provided the answer to the most famous question in that field.  Yes, it is better to be a renter.
GM Boris Savchenko(2547)-GM Vladislav Artemiev(2697)
2022 Moscow Open
1.e4 e5 


Alan Lasser


Re: Saturday Study Group: Knockout R3 and Bradley Open

I think that the same Zoom link I sent last week will work.
We have the two semifinal games from the knockout, and the full slate of games by Justin Lalor and Norm Burtness to go over.  I split the two tournaments apart to avoid confusion:
NBCC Knockout and Swiss:
I am also thinking of how to do an informal, "double banter with unlimited" Kibitzing game online.  Maybe we can try it out.
Here is a link to the Zoom:
We have three games from the Knockout and Justin already provided one from his first round at the Bradley Open.
I will put everything in the Knockout Study for now and move things to their proper studies (I promise!) later.
It seems like a very busy Summer weekend but I hope to see some of you later,