Saturday, July 23, 2022

Re: Saturday Study Group: Knockout R3 and Bradley Open

I think that the same Zoom link I sent last week will work.
We have the two semifinal games from the knockout, and the full slate of games by Justin Lalor and Norm Burtness to go over.  I split the two tournaments apart to avoid confusion:
NBCC Knockout and Swiss:
I am also thinking of how to do an informal, "double banter with unlimited" Kibitzing game online.  Maybe we can try it out.
Here is a link to the Zoom:
We have three games from the Knockout and Justin already provided one from his first round at the Bradley Open.
I will put everything in the Knockout Study for now and move things to their proper studies (I promise!) later.
It seems like a very busy Summer weekend but I hope to see some of you later,