Sunday, November 14, 2021

New Britain Chess Club - Weekly News


This Week’s News Items:

  • NBCC Quick Chess Championships

  • Upcoming Events

  • Training - Joe

  • Saturday Study Group - 5pm (Different Link)


2021 NBCC Quick Chess Championships

This Tuesday will be the second week of the three week Quick Chess Championship. We do offer three half-point byes, but you need to let our Tournament Director, Bob Cyr, know a week in advance. We will start promptly so please be at the club by 7pm.


Upcoming Events

After the Quick Chess Championship, we will have a blitz tournament. 

Description: Blitz XXV Tournament Details:

•    Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021

•    9-SS G/3;+2

•    sections: 1

•    Entry Fee: $5 (Members); $10 (Non-Members)

•    Prizes: 70% returned in prizes

•    USCF blitz rated (USCF membership is required)

•    Blitz Ratings used for pairings

•    Registration 6:45-7:00 P.M.

•    Pairings made at 7:15

The world championship between Magnus Carlsen and Ian Nepominatchi is taking place between 11/26-12/14. It’s a 14 round Classical Slugfest. To commemorate, we will be having lectures on the two players and their games. Our tournaments on Dec 7 and 14 will also be Wch Thematics. Details to come soon. 

Afterwards, we will have our annual Christmas Dinner Party on Dec 21. The club will supply food and you have to come and have fun. We will also have a bullet tournament!

Events will be posted on the club calendar on the club website -



In-person Lecture - Joe Bihlmeyer - Tuesday 11/16 - 6:15pm 

Joe will continue his endgame lectures next week. Arrive early to not miss out!


Saturday Study Group at 5pm

The Saturday Study group will be experimenting with their schedule. It will start at 5pm and run for three hours. The first hour will be general, where one of the regulars will give a club-like demo.  The second hour will be "practice games" or a "practice game."  These are very informal and geared towards learning.  We are experimenting with group games involving input from everyone for BOTH sides. The third hour will review games from participants, from the club, if and when we get them, the internet, or from history and their analysis.  

Link to Zoom -

Meeting ID: 856 9749 6782

Passcode: NBCC


Suhas Kodali


New Britain Chess Club



Friday, November 12, 2021

2021 Connecticut State Chess Championships - Saturday Dec.4, Wesleyan

2021 Connecticut State Championships

State Championship Event
Wesleyan University, Exley Science Center


General Info

Event organized by the Connecticut State Chess Association, funded and

sponsored by the Connecticut State Chess Association together with Russell Enterprises and DGT North America.

Connecticut players only—see definition under note [1] below.

Vaccination and Mask Wearing Required. See notes [4] and [5] below for site and organizer policies. 

Rounds/Time Control: 4 Rounds SS, G/55 d5, USCF Rated

Schedule: 9:30a, 12p, 2:30p, 5p (Awards by 8p)

Prizes: Championship: $500-350-250-200-150.

Trophy to State Champion.  Open: $300-200-150-125-100.

Top U1600, U1200, U800 $100 each. Trophy, clock

and book prizes to top Female, Unrated, Collegiate,

High, Middle players in Open.

Collegiate Team: Trophy to top three collegiate teams in Open.

Byes: One half-point bye is permitted in Rounds 1-3 only;

must commit by end of registration. 

Playoff: Playoff applied to Championship section for players

tied for 1st place. Playoff affects trophy and Champion title

only. See note [3] below.

Entry: $70 by November 30; $90 by December 3 at 7 PM. NO on-site entries permitted. Online registration ends December 3, 2021 at 7 PM.

Free & Special Entry: Players conditions to GMs and IMs

(not deducted from prizes). Free entry in Championship

Section to: (1) Players rated 2400 and over,

(2) Winner of 2020 CT Senior Championship, and

(3) Winner of 2020 CT High School Championship.

2020 State Championship entries honored.

If you qualify for entry under this paragraph, please email to request registration. 

CSCA membership: Participation creates or extends CSCA event membership status to 12/4/2022. 

Snow Date: Sunday, December 5, 2021.

Equipment: Bring sets and clocks.

See event page for news and updates. Also see official event flyer



[1] Connecticut player. For the purpose of these Championships, a “Connecticut player” is (a) any player whose state is designated Connecticut (“CT”) with U.S. Chess, or (b) any player whose state is not designated “CT” with U.S. Chess, but who (i) resides, (ii) attends school or (iii) is employed or self-employed in the state of Connecticut. Event entrants pursuant to section (b) will provide proof of eligibility.  

[2] Championship Section Entry Limits. Entry in the Championship section is limited to the top 14 players by rating and the two event Champion invitees—2020 Senior and 2020 High School Champions. If an invitee declines to participate, an additional rating-based entry will be permitted. Additionally, except for Champion invitees, a minimum rating of 2000 is required to participate in the Championship section.

[3] Playoff Tiebreak in Championship Section. In case of a tie score for 1st place in the Championship Section, a playoff will immediately follow Round 4. The playoff format will be as follows: G/10 d5 with reversed colors. If players not played, USCF tie breaks determine choice of color. If still tied, Armageddon game with reversed colors G/5v4. If multiple players are tied for 1st place, players will be paired highest finishing against lowest finishing and so on based on USCF tie breaks (NCAA March Madness format), and each playoff round will result in elimination of the losing player. If the number of players in the first playoff round is other than 2, 4, 8 or 16, the highest finishing players on USCF tie breaks will advance without play to the second playoff round to conform to the 2-4-8-16 format. Playoff affects trophy and Champion title only. 

[4] COVID-19 vaccination and completion of site attestation are required for participation in this event. Pursuant to Wesleyan University policy, no person is permitted inside campus buildings unless they are two weeks removed from the date of receipt of their final vaccination dose. As part of registration, all players are required to complete the Wesleyan University Visitor Vaccination Attestation Form. Unvaccinated individuals are not permitted in campus buildings and to participate in this event. Any player, who fails to complete the Attestation by end of registration, shall be denied entry. Performance under this mandate is subject to legal and site policy remedies, as well as U.S. Chess and CSCA ethics reviews. The site or the organizer may request players to present proof of vaccination.

[5] COVID-19 Protocols Apply. In addition to the attestation requirement under note [4], no on-site entries are permitted. All players and family members must wear masks at all times while indoors, including in the playing and waiting areas. Only one accompanying adult is permitted per player. Number of persons in any room may also be restricted.

[6] Rating Supplement. Dec 2021 USCF Rating Suppl. used for section entry, pairings and prizes.

[7] Contact. All questions/inquiries to

[8] Refunds/Cancellation Policy: To withdraw registration or request a refund, email your request to  no later than December 3 at 8 PM. Refund requests not received by email or received after the above deadline will not be honored. Refunds are subject to $15 administrative fee.


265 Church Street
Middletown, CT 06459
United States

Sections: 2
Grand Prix Points:
Prize Fund: $2,625
FIDE Rated: No
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Residency Restriction: Yes
Online Event: No
Connecticut State Chess Association
Phone: 8605930225

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Hamden Chess Club

Here are some of the upcoming opportunities to play over-the-board chess including The October Opposition this coming Saturday!  Masks will be required and space is limited.

Hamden Chess Club members who enjoy playing online can also join the HCC team on lichess at no extra cost, participate in weekly tournaments with a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card.  (There are no entry fees for the online tournaments but must be a member in good standing to win a prize): 

12+ Online Tournaments each month - for every level
No entry fee for online tournaments. HCC team members just sign up at the respective tournament link. Winner receives $20 gift card if HCC membership in good standing (or currently enrolled student); and a minimum of four team members participated in the tournament.

Hope to see you for chess sometime soon!


Rod Groff
Play More Chess Academy
Hamden Chess Club
1227 Whitney Ave., Hamden, CT 06517   
Phone: (203) 680-8456  
Feature Article (The Daily Nutmeg)

Pandemic Update - Coventry Chess

Hi, Rob:
Hope you are well!
I am updating the CSCA website. I had the following questions:
(1) Does the Coventry Chess Center hold any club activities, like a weekly chess club?
(2) Are your tournaments back? Will you be organizing those? Any flyers for posting?
(3) Looks like the Connecticut Chess Magazine is back. When did you start up again? 
(4) How would you feel about an interview feature article about you for the CSCA website?
Thank you.
Dear Alex, thanks for your email.
My health is improving.  I've been on insulin for many years now.  Finally seeing my AIC coming down from 8.9 to 7.4
Finally, I went to an orthopedist for my right hip.  Turns out my pain is from bursitis and tendonitis.  I am in a physical therapy program twice a week for 3 months, with daily homework exercises.  Already I have some relief from the pain.
1) Coventry Chess Center not offering any meetings at this time.
2) No tournaments yet after the pandemic.  I am happy to see kids 5-11 will now get vaccinated.
3) CCM won't be published on a periodical basis.  I will publish special editions when the material is good, and I have the time.
4) An article about me will go a long way to counteract the damage from the lies distributed by GB.  Only a handful of players are still around who remember all of my chess work from 1976 thru 2000 in Connecticut.  Over 1,200 newspaper columns, a few dozen magazines, and 12 years elected CSCA president. and tournament programs at 20 different cities and towns across the state.
Gens Una Sumus,
Rob Roy
P.S. My laptop died, and Gert Hilhorst generously donated a personal computer.  That's a big step forward for chess in Coventry, as I can no longer afford to spend more and more money on chess.  Thank you again Gert.
I also got all the back issues of the state chess newsletter from the 50's, 60's, and 70's, thanks to Fred Townsend.
I also got the scrapbooks of G.E.Avery's newspaper column from the 40's and 50's.
 CC:   Bob Cyr, Gert Hilhorst, Rick Bauer, Fred Townsend, Nelson Castaneda, Mark Bourque, David Herscovici, Doug Fiske, Dan Starbuck Pelletier, Michael Smith, Lisa Smith, Al Lasser, Larry Lafosse, Joe Bihlmeyer.

Friday, October 22, 2021

26th annual Northeast Open

26th annual Northeast Open

Heritage Event, Grand Prix, Enhanced Grand Prix, Junior Grand Prix
Stamford Hotel


A Heritage Event

US Chess Junior Grand Prix



26th Annual Northeast Open

5SS, 40/80, SD/30 +30 (2-day option, rds 1-2 G/60 d10). Stamford Hotel (formerly Sheraton), 700 Main St, Stamford 06901. Parking $10. $10,000 guaranteed prizes. 5 sections. Major (1900/over; see $1200-800-400, top USCF U2300 $400-200. FIDE.  Under 2100: $900-500-300, top U1900/Unr $400-200. FIDE. Under 1800: $800-400-200, top U1600 (no Unr) $300-150. Under 1500: $700-400-200, top U1300 (no Unr) $200-100. Under 1200: $400-200-100, top U1000 (no Unr) $130-70. Unrated limit $100 in U1200, $200 U1500. Mixed doubles: top male/female combined score $300-150, must average under 2200, any sections, reg. by 2 pm 11/6. Top 4 sections EF: $95 at by 11/3, 3-day $98, 2-day $97 mailed by 10/26, $110 at site or online until 1 hour before rd 1. U1200 Section EF: $30 less than above. No checks at site, credit cards OK.  GMs $90 from prize. CSCA members, online EF $3 less. Re-entry $50, no Major to Major. Unofficial ratings usually used if otherwise unrated. If Online Regular rating is 50 or more points above section or prize minimum, prize limit $150. Special 1 yr USCF with magazine if paid with entry. At, Adult $40, Young Adult $25, Youth $18. Mailed or at site, $45, $27 & $20.  3-day schedule: Reg ends Fri 6 pm, rds. Fri 7, Sat 11 & 5, Sun 10 & 3:30. 2-day schedule: Reg ends Sat 10 am, rds. Sat 11, 2 & 5, Sun 10 & 3:30. Bye: all, limit 2; must commit before rd 2. HR: $119-119, link may be at or 800-760-7718, 203-358-8400; reserve by 10/22. Ent: or Continental Chess, Box 8482, Pelham NY 10803. $15 service charge for refunds. Questions:,, Entries posted at (click “entry list” after entering). Blitz Sat 9:30 pm, enter by 9:15 pm.


700 Main St
Stamford, CT 06901
United States

Sections: 4
Grand Prix Points: 50
Prize Fund: 10000
FIDE Rated: Yes
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Residency Restriction: No
Online Event: No


Continental Chess Association
Phone: 3472012269

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