Friday, May 4, 2018

Report - Connecticut State Chess Meeting - April 28

Hi Rob,
You may post the following notes to the recent meeting on your blog.  
Please note that I have been honored to have been a contributor to the CSCA for the last 25 or so years.  I got involved because I was grateful to be in a state where I had a chance to win a state title and to the people who made that opportunity possible.  I never did anything to increase my chances of winning a title or to profit financially.
I had the honor of working with Frank Camaratta, Rob Roy, Michael Stango, Fred Townsend and Jim Celone as presidents and numerous other contributors.  It is now a good time for me to step aside and make room for younger and fresher faces.  But I think you will agree that I do not intend to "go quietly."  I clearly spoke more at this last meeting than I did in any previous one.
A meeting was held on April 28, 2018 at the West Haven Police Department.
Time will tell whether or not it will stand as an official meeting of the CSCA.  It was the third, and hopefully last in a series of disputed meetings of the CSCA.  
A quorum was declared on the basis that the Oct 1 meeting was invalid due to lack of a quorum.  This despite the ruling of the chair that a quorum had been achieved on Oct 1.  
I objected to the meeting on this basis and Jim promised to distribute his legal expert opinion as to the invalidation of the Oct 1 meeting.
I also objected to the meeting on the basis that many directors and members of the CSCA could not attend due to the conflict with the Eastern Class Championships in Sturbridge. 
When Bob Milardo arrived, a quorum was declared, consisting of several directors whose terms had lapsed and one on the phone (who had prevoisly resigned?).
There was a very impressive turnout, however, including both long time members and newly minted ones ($5 at the door).
Jim Celone chaired the meeting and Bob Milardo acted as parlimentarian.
Old directors were reinstated and two(?) new ones were added:  Derek Mansfield and Al Pinto.  Both are long time players and real contributors to chess. 
Jim Celone, Bob Milardo, Bruce Swan and Richard Chang were reinstated as directors. 
Officers were elected and Jim was elected president.  He then compiled a slate of the other officers to be moved.  I don't remember everyone (CJ?) but do know that Bob Milardo was elected Treasurer and CJ, Secretary.  Scholastic Grants and Ombudsman remain open (volunteers?).  Jim nominated me and then Rich Jackson for Ombudsman, but we both declined.
After the election of directors, the meeting went into (semi) closed session where non directors were allowed to observe but not participate.  Disciplinary action toward members was discussed.  Prior to this I suggested that this may not be in the interest of a true statewide organization.
The damage caused by the Lumelski lawsuit was detailed and Alex Lumelski was Censored.  The decision of punishment was deferred.
Jim asked the board to also censor Gert Hillhorst for "stealing" the website.  I felt compelled to add (since I had not heard it mentioned) that Gert had designed the website and was generously praised by Jim at the time.  Jim responded that there is a logo he designed that he would like removed from the alternate website.  Our exchange was then ruled out of order for the closed session.
Nevertheless, Bob Millardo argued against Gert's censure and it was dropped.
I don't know of any other business discussed, but will await CJ's official report.
While I do object to this meeting based on timing, difficulty determining the board, methods of notification, etc., it was nice to see so many old and new faces in a room to discuss chess in Connecticut.
Good Luck,
Rick Bauer

2018 Planet Earth Chess Championship

$1680 in prize $$$ b/40

Friday June 1 and Saturday June 2, 2018   - 1 or 2-day schedule avail.

Hall High School, 975 N. Main St., West Hartford, CT

Directions: From Mass: I-91 S to Exit 38B Rte 218 West.  Continue 6 mi.

From South:  I-84 to Ex 41.North.  Continue 4.5 mi. (2 mi. N of WH Cntr)

Time Control: 4-SS, Game/85, plus 5-second delay

2-Day Schedule: Fri. 6:30 p.m., Sat. 9:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m.

1-Day Schedule: Sat. 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., G/40;d5 then merge w/2-day

Two Sections: Over 1800, Under 1800 (based on USCF May Supplement).

Prizes:  70% of entries returned as prizes.  Prize amounts based on 40.

OVER 1800 1st, $300 (with Trophy and title of Planet Earth Chess Champion); 2nd, $200; 3rd $180; Top Under 2000, $160.

UNDER 1800: 1st $300, 2nd $200, Class prizes: U1500, $180; U1200, $160.

Conventional Tiebreaks used to determine prizes.

ENTRY FEE:  $60 Advance Entry, $70 on-site.  Register online or Check made to “New Britain Chess Club”, mailed with entry form below by Tue 5/29/18, to: Norman Burtness, 46 Brookmoor Rd, West Htfd  CT 06117

ON-LINE ENTRY:    NBCC Tournament Registration Page

ON-SITE ENTRY: $70 Cash, Registration closes 15 min before round time.  USCF membership required.

Name____________________ U.S.C.F. ID.  _____________ USCF exp.

Date ___________  Rating:___________

Schedule: 2-Day______ or 1-Day_______

If 1/2 pt bye requested, circle round:  1   2   3    (no final round byes)


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