Saturday, August 17, 2019


I won my 15th chess tournament in Coventry, at the Rob Roy Chess Center. I have played 30 times since it opened in 2016, winning half the time I show up! While I only gained 4 rating points, up is up, and money is money! Now This has become my go-to place for rated games, as I can get in 36 rated games per year.

Compare this to the New Britain Chess Club, which meets every Tuesday, and only offers 34 rated games in 2019 - unless their format changes!

The Fairfield County Chess Club offers over 300 rated games per year, but I have lost my ability to play chess in games less than 1 hour. Every Saturday FCCC offers a 3 game quad, game in 45, and almost every Sunday a 3 game quad, game in 30.

Continental Chess offers a weekend tournament every few months in CT. There are a few smaller venues which offer a few tournaments a year, which are often not published. So there is a lot of chess in CT, and this doesn't even include MA or NY.



On a warm and gorgeous, sunny August 26, the club held its grandest event of 2012 - the annual New Britain Summer Open Chess Championship. This year’s tournament was held at Wickham Park in Manchester.

In the years following our move from the New Britain Quartette Club (our former weekly meeting place), the officers have been trying to find a new permanent location to hold our club’s blockbuster summer outing.

In 2011 and 2010, two different country clubs were the venues of this tournament. And even though their facilities were beautiful, our players were not afforded many opportunities to play their games outside at these locations, which was a major attraction when these events were held under the QC pavilion. 

This year, however, the vivid memories of those open-air events at the QC from 2007-2009, with a barbecue lunch and casual time during rounds to play frisbee or engage in social interaction, were brought back to life as sixty-one players (third-highest turnout for an event held by the club) throughout the Nutmeg State and beyond gathered under the pavilion at Wickham Park to be a part of one of the most successful tournaments in the club’s history.

The credit for finding such a gem of a venue goes to USCF NM Derek Meredith. Keeping with the tradition of this tournament, a BBQ lunch was included.

And who else better to cater the lunch for our hungry crew other than NBCC Chef Kevin Zimmerman, Marie Juergens, and Mitch Daniels. This professional food staff prepared all of the famous summertime culinary delights from cheeseburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, antipasto salad, fresh garden salad, and baked beans, and they provided plenty of soda and water throughout the afternoon.

After lunch, our players were treated to cake to celebrate the marriage of our members Mike Fries and Bethany Sonstrom on September 1. Thanks to member Laurent Lafosse for his fine job in selecting the cake and delivering it to the event.

One of main reasons the tournament was so successful this year was attributed to Gert Hilhorst. As a result of his efforts to recruit members from the Simsbury Library Chess Club, a historic twenty-four scholastic (under 18) players participated in our tournament, shattering the old record of sixteen established at the “Andy Strazdins Over/Under 15 Quick Chess Tournament” in 2010.

The youth alone represented an impressive forty percent of the total turnout. In addition, I want to extend appreciation to Rob Roy, former Connecticut State Chess Association president, for advertising our tournament on numerous social media websites, and for taking photos for his website.

Our tournament directors that day, Doug Fiske and Bob Kozlowski, also deserve credit for doing a superb job with the handling of on-site registrations, making the pairings, being available for questions, and awarding of the prizes. The following people also deserve recognition for making this tournament one for the NBCC record books: Andy Strazdins, Brian Kosnoff, and Jerry Aiyathurai.

It is obvious that an event of this magnitude requires many hours of planning, but our volunteer staff was up to the challenge. Because of their hard work and dedication, we had another fantastic Summer Open.

Before closing, I do want to mention that a significant milestone occurred for FM Nelson Castaneda at this event. For tying for first place with FM Richard Bauer, Nelson has earned an honorable place, with Arkadijs Strazdins and Rick, in NBCC history for attaining twenty ties or wins for first place (even if non-cash prizes were awarded) in our club’s major tournaments.

So, friends, if you have never been a part of this extraordinary chess experience, or played in this event in recent years and could not this year, I really hope that you can join us at this event in 2019. I guarantee you will not want to miss it! 



Norman Burtness, President 

New Britain Chess Club


New Britain Chess Club

Tuesdays 6:30 pm

Armenian Church, 1910 Stanley Street


Connecticut State Chess Association


Connecticut's top player, Grandmaster Robert Hungaski, finished in a tie for 14th with a score of 6.5-2.5 at the 2019 US Open, Orlando FL.

He was in contention for top honors and best American player and qualification to the 2020 US Championship until the last round.

Connecticut's 2019 Barber winner Peter Wolfe was in the money with a tie for 3rd and 4th in class B and a gain of more than 100 rating points.

Final standings and Rating report.











3SS, G/60 d5. Mill Brook Place, 1267 Main St. (Rt 31), Coventry, CT 06238. EF: $35 Cash Only Onsite Only. $$GTD: $160-80. Reg.: 9:45 am - 10:10 am. Rds.: 10:30, 1:30, 3:45. INFO:  Dir: One Section. Accel.Pairings.  W.  USCF TLA



3SS, G/60 d5. Mill Brook Place, 1267 Main St. (Rt 31), Coventry, CT 06238. EF: $35 Cash Only Onsite Only. $$GTD: $160-80. Reg.: 9:45 am - 10:10 am. Rds.: 10:30, 1:30, 3:45. INFO:  Dir: One Section. Accel.Pairings.  W.  USCF TLA


GAME OF THE WEEK   by Alan Lasser
Maybe the plan only works at rapid speed, but in this game the queen was no match against the two pieces and strong center pawns.  If that wasn’t challenging enough, the final portion of the game has more pieces than pawns.



GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave(2843)-GM Richard Rapport(2719)
2019 Grand Chess Tour
1.e4 e6 
2.d4 d5 
3.e5 c5 
6.a3 c4 











1977 - 2000, Rob Roy wrote 1,300 Waterbury Sunday Republican chess columns.  The column helped his Waterbury Chess Club to become very successful.

Clerks at the newspaper office were the ones who re-typed hard-copy into the newspaper system, they made many typos with chess notation. All future editions of Connecticut Chess Magazine will feature a different column.